Zitat: Webmaster Sebi @ gruenblatt: ich wusste es eigentlich auch nicht, ich wusste nur, wo es stehen könnte! *LOL*Nachschauen kann ja jeder...
Aber In the end von Linkin Park isch echt geil. Ich find Papercut auch cool. Wen findet ihr am besten von LP? Ich find Mike und Chester am coolsten, aber Joe ist auch ganz witzig.
Love is a flame that can't be tamed and though we are its willing prey, my darling, we are not the ones to blame.
Christoph Krieger & Tobias Heck Fan
Re: ROCK!!!
... in the end... ich find die ganze band einfach suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupeeeeeeeeeeeerr geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johannes an die Macht! Sebi 4 Obercheker Stöcklin the Hacker Hopfi 4 Laberking Eminem 4 ever 50CENT 4 ever Coole Kleine 4 never FRIENDS for EVER
...Everything you say to me Takes me one step closer to the edge And I'm about to break I need a little room to breathe Cause I'm one step closer to the edge And I'm about to break ...
Johannes an die Macht! Sebi 4 Obercheker Stöcklin the Hacker Hopfi 4 Laberking Eminem 4 ever 50CENT 4 ever Coole Kleine 4 never FRIENDS for EVER
Kitekatus 209776107
Re: ROCK!!!
Hard days made me hard nights shaped me I don't know they somehow saved me, and I know I'm making somethig out of this life they called nothing...
I want to know that I have been to the EXTREME
Elladan 4 president You're not the only one who thinks he's dead...
Re: ROCK!!!
We are so young, our lives have just begun, But already we are considering escape from this world. And we've waited for so logn for this moment to come. We're so anxious to be together, together in death!
So, want you die tonight for love? Baby, join me in death!
Love is a flame that can't be tamed and though we are its willing prey, my darling, we are not the ones to blame.