carookee Support-Forum - Allgemein: Fragen, Antworten & Diskussion




Could you please add an option to send a email to ALL members at the same time? Is this difficult to create?

thank you and happy x-mas


Re: mail

Waere vielleicht keine so schlechte Idee.

@ Absolute-Bohlen
Thats sounds like a good idea.
Maybe Mat will have a look into this matter.

And a happy x-mas to you too!

Lieben Gruss

Re: mail

Hi Thomas,
I was asking for this before and Mat's answer was that this is possible with the newsletter-function.
Merry X-mas, Martina

Re: mail

yes, but then you have to create a subforum - that shouldnt be necessary - it should be great to only have a "ALL" function in the mail for the "owner" of the forum.


Re: mail

That upcoming feature is marked as an high priority task on our todo list. I also want to have that function as soon as possible. The current solution (subforum with newsletter option) is not really acceptable. So stay tuned for updates.
