ok *freu* hab übrigens ein paar neue Clips auf meiner Site, unter anderem einen von Mandy und den clip zur 100. folge angel, kannst ja mal ansehen
~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^° - rulez Knuddel at all members *g* und mein Schneggchen ~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^°
Sarah: "This is to my Angel: I miss you already, David!"
Re: >> Artworkzz
Okay, mach ich doch glatt! Ich hab dir jetzt mal die schönsten rausgesucht...
Okay, waren jetzt doch fast alle...
rulz! an alle Member
Amends Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!" Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away. I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me. Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!" Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"
Re: >> Artworkzz
oh wie geil! voll schön. Mach die spätestens nächste woche rein, denke ich, dauert wahrscheinlich wegen den arbeiten ein wenig.Aber Danke!!!!!!!!!!
~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^° - rulez Knuddel at all members *g* und mein Schneggchen ~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^°
Sarah: "This is to my Angel: I miss you already, David!"
Re: >> Artworkzz
Kein Problem, schön dass sie dir gefallen!
rulz! an alle Member
Amends Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!" Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away. I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me. Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!" Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"
Re: >> Artworkzz
ja gefallen mir voll, und ich kanns nur immer wieder betonen: Mehr *g*
~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^° - rulez Knuddel at all members *g* und mein Schneggchen ~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^~°~^~^°
Sarah: "This is to my Angel: I miss you already, David!"