The Bronze - Sitzecke


Re: Autogramm


Ja da haste wohl recht,mach ich beim nächsten mal versprochen


Danke dir


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.

Re: Autogramm

Aber dann komm ich ja mit dann wird er dich gar ned mehr sehen 8) :mrgreen: .


The Slayer and the dark and sexy Vampire!

Re: Autogramm

*gröööhl* meinste Süße*g*.
Das glaube ich net*g*.
Wenn er schon diesmal geflirtet hat mit mir wird ers beim nächsten mal auch wieder tun*g*.
Und er staunte ja net schlecht als er sah was ich an hatte*lol*.
Naja das war ein scherzchen jetzt mit dem was ich anhatte*lol* :oops:


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.

Re: Autogramm

Hattest du das lila Oberteil von den Pics an*lf*
Wenn ja das war doch scharf*lolzi* :mrgreen:


The Slayer and the dark and sexy Vampire!

Re: Autogramm

Japp ich hatte beides an in Köln*g*.
naja wer weiß was James gedacht hat,geflirtet hatter auf jeden Fall mit mir wie Teufel komm raus*lolzi*.

Ich werde übrigens auch mal mein Glück jetzt versuchen mit den Autos*g*


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.