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Also, ich wollte nur sagen, dass wenn ihr an Heilig Abend mal kurz vorbeischaut, euch hier ein kleines Geschenk erwartet... Aber erwartet jetzt bitte nicht irgendwas Tolles, es ist wirklich nur ganz klein!

rulz! an alle Member

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"

Re: Xmas!

ok, ich schau vorbei *Freu*

- rulez
Knuddel at all members *g* und mein Schneggchen

Sarah: "This is to my Angel: I miss you already, David!"

Re: Xmas!

Klar werde auch vorbei schauen! Wäre sowieso schnell vorbei gekommen!!

Buchstabenclub RULZ

Angel: "Du hast sicher schon was vor"
Buffy: "Ja ich habe tatsächlich scho was vor!
Angel: "Oh, ein Date?"
Buffy: " "Ja, ehrlich gesagt, es ist ein Date. Mit nem älteren Mann. Er sieht toll aus... und ich nenn ihn immer DAD!"

~*~*~*Buffy and Angel forever~*~*~*~*

Re: Xmas!

Okay, aber nicht zu viel erwarten, ja... ?

rulz! an alle Member

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"

Re: Xmas!

Okay, also erstmal wünsch ich euch allen frohe Weihnachten und hoffe, dass ihr ganz toll feiert und viele schöne Geschenke kriegt. Ich geh jetzt die Leute der Reihe nach durch und hänge immer das Geschenk an.

rulz! an alle Member

Angel: "Am I worth saving, huh? Am I a rightious man? The world wants me gone!"
Buffy: "And what about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away.
I killed you and it didn't help. And I hate it! I hate that it's so hard. And that you
can hurt me so much... And I know everything that you did 'cause you did it to me.
Oh God! I wished that I wished you dead. I don't. I can't!"
Angel: "Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong!"