The Bronze - Website & Forum

über 1000 Posts

über 1000 Posts

Hey wow, ihr seid echt klasse!!! Wir haben jetzt 1018 Einträge (oder so...) Ich bin begeistert und finds toll, dass hier so viele tolle Leute im Forum sind!!!

* Forever. Thats the whole point! *

Re: über 1000 Posts

Hui cool! Euch alle mal knuddel


The Slayer and the dark and sexy Vampire!

Buffy: "It's different. He's different. He has a soul now."
Angel: "Oh. Well."
Buffy: "What?"
Angel: "That's great. Everyone's got a soul now."
Buffy: "He'll make a difference."
Angel: "You know, I started it. The whole... having a soul. Before it was all the 'cool new thing'."

Re: über 1000 Posts

Hey das freut mich für dich sehr.
Postet schön weiter,da ich warscheinlich kaum noch posten kann,deswegen müsst ihr weiterhin posten*fg*


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!


Do you want to be happy?
Do you want to have fun?
Take on buried treasure
I could be the one...

Hear me,out me,out
I can't describe
Can't just subscribe
I'm telling vision
Glad to be alive

You say I can't relate to you
Some things I need to prove
Can't find the right words to use
Brainwaves won't pass through

~ Blocking Brainwaves ~

Re: über 1000 Posts

Wie, warum kannst du kaum noch posten?!

* Forever. Thats the whole point! *