World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Writer Greg Pak says that come May 2007 “There is Hulk smashing to be done.” Following his current planetary-scaled “Planet Hulk” story, Pak will segue into one of Marvel’s biggest events of 2007, titled “World War Hulk,” with none other than artist John Romita Jr.

Marvel announced the series during today’s Retailer Summit in Baltimore, MD.

“Planet Hulk will run on through issue 105, and ‘World War Hulk’ will lead straight into that,” Pak said. “The current Planet Hulk totally setting this up.”

“My little head is exploding,” Pak said of the opportunity to work with Romita Jr., whose miniseries The Eternals with writer Neil Gaiman is currently ongoing. “He’s one of the guys whose work I’ve admired for years.”

Pak cited Romita’s “Enemy of the State” storyline from Wolverine with writer Mark Millar as the type of intensity he wants to conceive with Romita’s artwork in “World War Hulk.”

“That kind of mind-blowing, eye-popping action is what he does better than anybody,” Pak explained. “And it’s a perfect match for ‘World War Hulk.’”

As to the ramifications of “Planet Hulk” in the Earthly Marvel Universe, Pak is tight-lipped, but said that clues will be falling back to the Hulk’s home planet very soon. “In issue 100, we’re dropping some hints,” Pak forecasted. “There’s a back-up story drawn by Gary Frank which features some characters from planet Earth finding out about what’s happening to the Hulk. So that might be a helpful story for people to check out.”

Pak’s main goal in the meantime is to continue the unbridled smashing in Incredible Hulk and crescendo into what Joe Quesada has called one of Marvel’s most important events of 2007. “What I can say is that people who were excited to see Hulk cutting loose in ‘Planet Hulk’ will not be disappointed as we move into ‘World War Hulk,’” the writer stated. “There are big things that we’ve been working on in Planet Hulk in terms of a big, emotional story for the Hulk. Is he a hero or a monster? World War Hulk is going to carry on with those questions in the biggest way imaginable.”

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Hört ihr das auch? Das ist der Lärm all jener, die nun wie auf Ebay gehen und nach Planet Hulk Issues suchen Ohhhhhhh...doch da ist noch ein weiteres Geräusch...könnt ihr es hören? Es ist der wachsende Wert meiner Planet Hulk Ausgaben.

Für ein Mal bin ich nicht der Clown, der den Ausgaben nachrennen muss!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Okay, du machst Smash mit deinen Ausgaben und ich mache Smash mit meinem OHC und dann sehen wir noch wer steht

Sieht so aus als wäre ich der Sieger

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Zitat: Vao
Okay, du machst Smash mit deinen Ausgaben und ich mache Smash mit meinem OHC und dann sehen wir noch wer steht

Sieht so aus als wäre ich der Sieger

Ja, ja...OHC my Ass Du weisst, der Homo Sapiens Comicfanus ist nicht gerade mit Geduld gesegnet. Du magst womöglich eine Ausnahme sein, aber ich wette um ein Trade, dass spätestens übermorgen die Preise für die Hefte #92-97 von Incredible Hulk auf Ebay explodieren. Nicht das ich meine verkaufen würde, denn schliesslich mag ich die Storyline sehr, aber es tut gut mal ausnahmsweise nicht derjenige zu sein, der den Comic-Bus verpasst hat Deshalb...OHC my ass. Es erscheint ohnehin erst im August 2007

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007


Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Zitat: Lamond
Ja, ja...OHC my Ass Du weisst, der Homo Sapiens Comicfanus ist nicht gerade mit Geduld gesegnet. Du magst womöglich eine Ausnahme sein, aber ich wette um ein Trade, dass spätestens übermorgen die Preise für die Hefte #92-97 von Incredible Hulk auf Ebay explodieren. Nicht das ich meine verkaufen würde, denn schliesslich mag ich die Storyline sehr, aber es tut gut mal ausnahmsweise nicht derjenige zu sein, der den Comic-Bus verpasst hat Deshalb...OHC my ass. Es erscheint ohnehin erst im August 2007 Da hab ich das gleiche Problem. Ich freu mich, dass die Hefte an Wert zulegen, würde sie aber nie verkaufen.

Auf jedenfall blicke ich jetzt schon sehnsüchtig "World War Hulk" entgegen!

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

World War Hulk, das klingt erstmal sehr vielversprechend. Der Hulk ist wieder auf der Erde und muss nicht mehr auf seinem eigenen Planeten rumwurschteln.

Planet Hulk habe ich bisher nicht gelesen, werde aber ab der #100 in die Serie einsteigen.

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Zitat: Optimus
World War Hulk, das klingt erstmal sehr vielversprechend. Der Hulk ist wieder auf der Erde und muss nicht mehr auf seinem eigenen Planeten rumwurschteln.

Planet Hulk habe ich bisher nicht gelesen, werde aber ab der #100 in die Serie einsteigen.Ich würde den Planeten nicht unbedingt "seinen eigenen" nennen.

Ansonsten kann ich jedem empfehlen in die Storyline einzusteigen.

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

Greg Pak über WWH:

Announced at this past weekend's Baltimore Retailer Summit, Pak will team up with superstar artist John Romita Jr on "World War Hulk". According to Marvel Editor-in-Chief, "WWH" is "Marvel's big summer blockbuster for 2007."

"World War Hulk" picks up immediately after "Planet Hulk". The first of a planned five-issue arc debuts in May's Incredible Hulk #106 and it will be spread out over three consecutive months.

Details are still sketchy and we're still knee deep in the "Planet Hulk" multi-issue epic. It's been said that some hints as to the future direction of Hulk would be forthcoming in November's Incredible Hulk #100.

However, "WWH"'s not something that's planned at the last minute. "We've known that "World War Hulk" would happen from the day we started planning "Planet Hulk" over a year ago," Pak explained to Newsarama. "Which means that we had almost two years of storyline mapped out from the beginning. It's been great -- that means that we've been able to seed story elements throughout "Planet Hulk" which will pay off in a huge way in "World War Hulk" -- it also means we've been able to build an astronomically huge emotional story for the Hulk stretching over two epic story arcs. It's incredibly exciting for me to work on this level as a writer, and I think the payoff for readers will be enormous."

Big question: Is the Green Gladiator coming back to Earth in the five-part "WWH"? Or is it set in yet another planet in the vast Marvel universe? The writer's lips are "sealed" but added that "[the Hulk] sure has a lot of unfinished business on Earth, doesn't he?"

But what happens when he does return?

"Some might argue that Hulk's true home is the savage planet of Sakaar, where his anger and strength make him a hero in the fight against the wicked Red King. If he ever comes back to Earth, maybe it'll actually be to help his puny human "friends," to show them the way a real hero uses his power," Pak said.

"But then again, maybe the Hulk isn't a hero. Maybe deep down, he's a monster, and once he finishes destroying Sakaar, he won't stop until he's crushed each and every one of those stupid puny humans who sent him there in the first place...

"Whatever happens, rest assured that "World War Hulk" will be an action packed and emotionally mind-blowing epic — and the Hulk will, indeed, smash."

As for Miek, Hiroim, Korg, the Brood Creature, and Elloe, they're all "Warbound" to the Hulk. "They'll stick with him to the death," Pak said. "Of course, the last story arc in "Planet Hulk" is entitled "Armageddon"... But if any of these Warbound gladiators survive, you can bet they'll join Hulk for whatever comes next, no matter what the cost."

From the title of the arc alone, "WWH" sounds so massive in scale. And it sure looks as though it's bigger in scope than Civil War. Again, Pak assured fans that "H ulk will smash like never before. The physical and emotional intensity of this story will be through the roof -- and with the legendary John Romita, Jr. providing the pencils, you won't want to miss a single panel. JRJR knows just how to make every image pop in that huge, insanely exciting way — I can't wait to see him tear into "World War Hulk."

Re: World War Hulk - Das Sommerevent 2007

JRJR über World War Hulk:

The massive "Planet Hulk" storyline hit the mid-way mark with Incredible Hulk #98 this week.

However, the next epic was announced in Baltimore.

Yesterday, writer Greg Pak took some time off to discuss about next year's "big summer blockbuster story", "World War Hulk".

Today, it's John Romita Jr's turn.

Yes, the superstar artist's an extremely busy dude as well. He's currently finishing up Eternals with celebrated writer, Neil Gaiman. The double-sized finale is scheduled to be in stores in November.

And he still has "a few pages left" before he completes the Stan Lee-written Fantastic Four: The End.

He'd also worked with Jae Lee on the first issue of The Dark Tower, the limited series based on Stephen King's series of novels debuting early next year.

Despite all these projects lined up for the foreseeable future (and Marvel EiC had repeatedly assured fans that JRJR'll be returning to Spider-Man one of these days), what made him decide to come back to the Hulk with "World War Hulk"? For the record, JRJR'd most recently drawn the Green Goliath in 2001 and 2002 during Paul Jenkins and later on, Bruce Jones' respective runs on the monthly series.

"I didn't ask Joe, or [Publisher] Dan Buckley, for this particular assignment," JRJR told Newsarama. "We all sat down to discuss "post Eternals work" and they, I seem to remember, thought this idea [was] up on the spot. (not the creative idea, but the idea of me doing it) I remember their faces. They just grinned and said, "Hey, how about this?" At that point, I grinned myself and, loving the last time I worked on the Hulk, agreed. However I do recall asking, no, begging, for a return to a Spider-Man title... I exaggerate to clarify!

"A short time ago, Joe Q. began the process of placing me on projects as he saw fit." Hence, the short stints on various limited series and story arcs. Wolverine with writer Mark Millar. Black Panther with Reginald Hudlin. The Sentry with Paul Jenkins. The current Eternals mini with Gaiman. FF: The End. And so on.

"It was an attempt to keep me, and my work, fresh, considering I had been on [Amazing Spider-Man] for such a long time. Not that the work was getting stale, mind you [laughs] but I made a comment, while I was still on Amazing, about how I wanted to do less Amazing issues (12) and another title, at the same time. Joe took that as I was bored. [It was] not the case but that was when Wolvy, Black Panther, Sentry, Eternals, FF: The End, The Punisher and now, Incredible Hulk, come in. I agreed to let Joe, and Dan pick my next jobs. It's fun because I don't always know what I want to do next! It's also kind of interesting because I get to stretch myself artistically... Sounds like some pretentious actor claiming he wants more interesting roles. But in this case, it ends up being the truth! It is fun!

Wait a minute... The Punisher too? "Yeah, the Punisher," JRJR said. "Before I get back to Spidey and after I finish Hulk (or at the same time, maybe), I get to draw the Punisher! I also get to work with Garth Ennis and Axel Alonso.

"I'm going to do some serious grassroots ass-kicking comic art (not to mention [b]Kick-Ass[/b ] with Mark Millar) and I get to work with Klaus Janson, again... which is just a pleasure! I think Klaus is the best inker in the biz. It's because he's a great artist before he's an inker! He's also a good friend, to boot!"

Back to the Green Gladiator, how different is it to tackle the character again this time around? After "Planet Hulk", Civil War and all? What sets the Hulk apart from the others in the Marvel U in this time and age? According to JRJR, he hasn't had a chance to do any preliminary sketches but he's definitely itching to get back to drawing the character. "As far as what sets the Hulk apart, this time around, I think it's as simple as my take on the character. I'm more experienced than I was the last time around. Everyday, I get more experienced. That's just the nature of the business. At least to me it is... working at something everyday, six days a week, one gets the hang of it! Again, I exaggerate to clarify. Woking with a different set of circumstances and a new and different writer, is also a different take. I look forward to working with Greg and what that will result in!

"For that matter, I look forward to working every day! Yeah! This is a blast. I get to work at home and watch my son grow. I also get to see my wife, every day(although you'd have to ask her if that's good for her)

"What else can I do, anyway?"