Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2 (Punisher: War Zone)

Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2 (Punisher: War Zone)

Wenn man einem Fan auf der Fanpage von Thomas Jane Glauben schenken darf, der während einer Autogrammstunde mit dem Frank Castle-Darsteller, den er im übrigen als total nett einstuft, ein paar Worte gewechselt hat, dann startet der Dreh für PUNISHER 2 in diesem Sommer!


US-Start: Herbst 2006 (?)

Regie: Jonathan Hensleigh

Drehbuch: Jonathan Hensleigh



Thomas JaneFrank Castle / Punisher

Re: Punisher 2

Drehort für den 2. Teil des Punishers festgelegt.

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Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2 - Drehstart: Feb 2007?

JANE: The writer is halfway through a draft right now. We should be rolling camera with any luck by February. Jigsaw is going to be in it.

Is Jonathan Hensleigh coming back to direct?

JANE: No. We're still looking for a new director. If you know anybody, let me know.

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2

Thomas Jane talked to MTV about The Punisher 2:

According to series star Thomas Jane, the wheels are in motion for him to slip that trademark skull onto his chest again soon for "The Punisher 2." "The script comes in a couple of weeks, and it's going to be darker, bloodier and more unfriendly than the first one," Jane confirmed.

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2

NRAMA: Are you still working on the sequel to The Punisher?

JH: We’ve been planning one. We’ve been working on one for about two years.

NRAMA: What’s the status on that?

JH: I think we’re going to do it. I think there’s a high likelihood that we’re going to do it. There are many issues involved in the sequel. One has been the timing between my schedule and Thomas Jane’s schedule. The major one has been the content of the script and we’ve been wrestling with script issues for two years now. In other words, normal Hollywood stuff. Once those script issues are resolved and I think they’re going to be resolved very quickly, I think we’re going to make another one.

NRAMA: Will it be done in an urban area?

JH: This will be done in an urban area and Jigsaw is the villain.

NRAMA: Are you taking any specific storylines from comics or are you starting fresh?

JH: The storyline is original but a lot of the situations and the character Jigsaw, of course, is from the comic. But the story arc itself is original. Let me give you some insight into the script problems. The script problems, again, mostly relate to budget. Lionsgate wants a very intense urban action film but at the same time there’s not a corporate will to spend an enormous amount of money on the film nor should there be. This is a specialty film with a very rabid but smaller canvas. So what we’re trying to do is figure out a way to shoot a really intense urban action film with lots of violence and lots of intense, gritty action for a price and that involves a lot of script work. You’ve got to figure out how to do big, extravagant, action-based stuff but do it for cheap. We’re probably also going to have to shoot in a weird place.

NRAMA: Right, but at least it’ll be an urban weird place.

JH: Yeah, exactly. But remember, the city of Tampa is urban. So it’s not like we didn’t shoot the original in an urban place. We did shoot it in an urban place. It’s just a place that didn’t look anything remotely like Manhattan. We are going to set this next film in Manhattan. But we can’t shoot in Manhattan. It’s just too expensive. So we’re going to have to fake Manhattan but we’ll do it really well and that takes time and planning. But it’s set in New York. That’s set in stone. That will never change.

The Punisher is a wonderful franchise, a very unique character but it’s not for everybody. This is not Pirates of the Caribbean. Marketing people have a term called “four quadrant entertainment”. Four quadrant entertainment is a work that appeals to every single demographic in the United States. That’s not the Punisher, so that affects that affects a lot of the marketing positions and budget positions. This is show business.Quelle:

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2

Zitat: talked to Thomas Jane about The Punisher sequel. He revealed that Stuart Beattie (the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films, 30 Days of Night, "Collateral") is writing the new script. Jane also described the film:

Concerning The Punisher 2, Tom says he'd like to make a drama, without any goofy stuff. "Just straight noir, drama, with the inherent blood and guts in it." Jane also says it will definitely take place in New York.

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2

Hey there!

Got to meet Thomas Jane at the recent Chiller Theater convention at the Hilton in Parsipanny N.J. He was there with David Arquette promoting the new movie "The Tripper". Was an almost 5 hour wait for an autograph!(Luckily I got on line early so I didn't have to wait that long!). Was a pretty cool, funny guy.
By the way, he made mention of "Punisher 2" shooting to start this summer......

Hieß es allerdings auch schon 2006. Hoffentlich wird es diesmal wirklich was !

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2

AICN Exclusive: Thomas Jane dropping out of PUNISHER 2?!?

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here .

I met Thomas Jane on the set of THE MIST. I didn’t spend much time chatting with him, but we did talk. He got pretty geeky when he started showing off his comic book work. He’s doing a few books with Steve Niles right now and we talked mostly about that on the set.

He sent me pdfs of the books a few weeks back (I haven’t read them yet, but I’ll write up some reviews when I do), but that was about all the communication I had with him, although we did talk a little bit about PUNISHER and his thoughts on where it should go. His thoughts mirrored my own, which made me excited for a sequel. He wanted something more true to the books and said he was fighting the good fight.

Then, out of nowhere, he sent me the following note, announcing his departure from the PUNISHER sequel.


I’m writing to tell you that I regretfully and painfully had to pull out of P2. I can’t tell you how completely broken up I am about it. After busting my ass at the gym four days a week for almost two years, watching every character driven action pic that any fan would ask me to watch while I was standing in line buying egg whites and Tuna fish (Leon the Professional, Oldboy, The Seven-Ups (GREAT flick), Point Blank, Escape from NY, The Driver, Magnum Force, The Mechanic, The Great Silence, Sexy Beast, Nighthawks, Cry Vengeance (check it out), Road Warrior, Man on Fire, Outlaw Josey Wales, Rocky (think about it), Serpico, etc etc etc.) after countless Saturday nights making notes and drinking soda water and munching on seaweed sticks while my daughter slept on my lap to the sound of automatic gunfire, (now she can’t sleep without it. I had to make a tape of automatic gunfire to play in her room at night) after hauling myself to any ‘Guns! Knifes! Ammo!’ show in any small town that I found myself in shooting Killshot or The Mist or Mutant Chronicles, after torn ligaments, screwed up rotator cuffs, thousands of $$$ on ridiculously huge vitamins, overly long conversations with frighteningly tall men about The Fastest Way To Kill Someone With Your Bare Hands, and after a dude refused to sell me a Fatburger at 2am on Santa Monica Blvd, I am, sadly – no, make that heartbrokenly – **** it - just rip out the heart and stomp it into the pavement a couple of times – pulling out. Punisher fans are already fighting an uphill battle as it is. And I’ve always felt a responsibility to fight that fight for them and with them so that Frank Castle gets the treatment he deserves.

I'm sharing this with you because I know you're a fan, like me, and you've got your ear to the ground, and because we seem to share the same sort of taste and passion when it comes to movies and stories that get us off. What I won't do is spend months of my life sweating over a movie that I just don't believe in. I’ve always loved the Marvel guys, and wish them well. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to search for a film that one day might stand with all those films that the fans have asked me to watch.

Thomas Jane


I actually think this is a good move for Jane. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard (usually off the record) actors and directors talk about doing a shitty sequel or remake or adaptation because “If I don’t someone else will and at least I can try to steer it right.” That hardly ever works unless you’re in a position of power, or at the very least have a strong producer on your side.

The first PUNISHER didn’t work, but I don’t think Jane was the reason for it. It just didn’t feel like I was watching Frank Castle and the sequel has a chance to fix that. Castle’s a great anti-hero, a hard-ass that isn’t afraid to confront the dregs of society with lethal force. He’s not someone who would torture a suspect with a popcicle.

PUNISHER 2 is an opportunity to start off fresh. You don’t need to waste time on the origin. The character is established. At the end of the first movie we saw a glimmer of the Punisher we all wanted to see.

Before I got this note, I had heard some disturbing things from my sources within Lionsgate. They can’t get anybody attached to this movie, no director wants to touch it thanks to a bad script and a lacking first film. The studio has been meeting with everybody, scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

There was one person they met with that perked me up, someone that was actually an inspired choice to take on the Punisher films. A man by the name of Walter Hill.

Can you imagine if he even brought an ounce of the coolness of THE WARRIORS or a sliver of the hard-ass Bruce Willis was in LAST MAN STANDING to the character of Frank Castle?

And my sources say that Hill wanted to do the movie. Yet Lionsgate didn’t want him and are still searching… although I hear they’re close to locking down another director, but I don’t know who that is yet. I doubt he or she’ll be as cool as Walter Hill.

So, there you have it. You heard it here first, straight from the man himself. It sounds like Jane wanted the same kind of Punisher movie we do. Too bad Lionsgate doesn’t seem to.

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Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2

Nun also doch ein Sequel....jedoch ohne Thomas Jane !
Der neue Frank C wird Ray Stevenson.

Produktion beginnt "schon" im Oktober.

Meiner Meinung nach ein echter Verlust für den Film das Tom Jane fehlen wird !

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: PUNISHER 2

Die süsse deutsche Lexi Alexander wird den Film drehen