Earth Circle - Musik



habt Ihr auch Songtexte, die Euch besonders gefallen haben, dann rein damit.. ich beginne dann mal mit einem Song der Grandfather of Rap - Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel and the furious five..[1983]
New York New York, big city of dreams
And everything in New York ain't always what it seems
You might get fooled if you come from out of town
But I'm down by law and I know my way around

Too much, too many people, too much (aha-ha)
Too much, too many people, too much, Raaah!

A castle in the sky, one mile high
Built to shelter the rich and greedy
Rows of eyes, disguised as windows
Looking down on the poor and the needy
Miles of people, marching up the avenue
Doin’ what they gotta do, just to get by
I'm living in the land of plenty and many
But I'm damn sure poor and I don't know why

Too much, too many people, too much
Too much, too many people, too much!

A man's on a ledge, says he's gonna jump
People gather round, said, "He won't he's just a chump"
’Cause he lost his job, then he got robbed
His mortgage is due and his marriage is through
He says he ain't gonna pay no child support
Because the bitch left him without a second thought
He got nothing to eat, no shoes on his feet
She even left his clothes out in the street
He keeps hearing noises when he's at home
He always hears voices when he's all alone
His wife took the kids, the car and the crib
In this man's world, so much for Women's Lib

New York New York big city of dreams
But everything in New York ain't always what it seems
You might get fooled if you come from out of town
But I'm down by law, and I know my way around

Down in the Village, you might think I'm silly
But you can't tell the women from the men sometimes
They're sugar and spice and everything nice
But when you get ‘em home ain't no telling what you find
Right next door is a little old man
I seen him eating dog food out of a can
He says, "I got to eat, when I can't afford meat
I barely can stand, on my own two feet
I got a bad habit and I just can't break it
Something’s on my mind and I just can't shake it
I need some time, and I want some space
I gotta get away from the human race”

Too much, too many people, too much (aha-ha)
Too much, too many people, too much! Raaah!

Staring at a skyscraper reaching into heaven
When over in the ghetto I'm livin in hell
Just play ball or be an entertainer
’Cause niggaz like me can't read too well
Nobody loves me, nobody cares
I dreamed about a life but I'm livin in a nightmare
Paranoid schizo, set back, snowbound
Bad news psycho, heart attack, breakdown!

Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh
Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh
Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh
Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, Huh, Hee, HUH!

If only I could sleep just ten more minutes
I might find the strength to make another day
If I didn't have to get up and do my thing
I would probably sleep my whole life away
I messed up a nice dream, somethin’ bout ice cream
Whipped cream, fruits and a cherry on top
Now I gotta get up and face the world, huh
The pressure is on, It ain't never gonna stop
I sho' gotta learn to use my mind
I don't wanna be kissing nobody's behind
Just standin’ on line lookin’ like a jerk
Gotta get off my butt and do a full day's work
I ran into a pothole, got into a car crash
Should’a been thinking and tried to fake whiplash
A crowd gathered round, they're callin’ me fat
Who you lookin at with a face like that?

New York New York big city of dreams
Everything in New York ain't always what it seems
You might get fooled if you come from out of town
But I'm down by law and I know my way around

On 42nd Street, lookin for some action
Women standing on the corner selling satisfaction
One young punk just leaning on the fence
Tryin’ to make a dollar out of fifteen cents
Really is a prankster, tried to be a gangster
Real big wheel when a gun is in his hands
Just did a stick-up, just got picked up
One dead punk, killed by the man

New York New York big city of dreams
And everything in New York ain't always what it seem
You might get fooled if you come from out of town
But I'm down by law and I know my way around

Too much, too many people, too much (haha ha ha)
Too much, too many people, too much! Huh!

A baby cries and a mother dies
And the tears fall from the doctor's eyes
Because in this room, on this day
The Good Lord has giveth, and taketh away, huh!
The gift of life really means a lot
And in the ghetto your life is all you got
So you take to the streets, trying to exist
In the trash and slime of a world like this
What you watch on TV tells you what life is supposed to be
But when you look outside the only thing you see
Is the poverty stricken reality, Heh!
Abandoned places, angry faces
Much hate and hunger throughout the races
You say, "I'm grown and I'm on my own
So why don't everybody just leave me alone!"
Now you stay at home, talking on the phone
Doin ninety miles an hour in the fifty mile zone
They never took the time to tell you ‘bout sex
So you had to learn about it in the discotheques
Nine months later, the baby is there
And the Nigga that did it said, "I don't care!"
You don't have enough money to help feed two
So you have to choose between the baby and you
The sky was crying, rain and hail
When you put your baby in the garbage pail
Then you kissed the kid and put down the lid
And you tried to forget what you just did, Huh!
The muffled screams of a dying baby
Was enough to drive the young mother crazy
So she ran in the rain trying to ease the pain
Huh huh, And she drove herself insane

New York New York big city of dreams
But everything in New York ain't always what it seem
You might get fooled if you come from out of town
But I'm down by law and I know my way around

Too much, too many people, too much (haha ha ha)
Too much, too many people, too much! HUH!

New York New York big city of dreams
But everything in New York ain't always what it seem
You might get fooled if you come from out of town
But I'm down by law and I know my way around

Too much, too many people, too much (haha ha ha)
Too much, too many people, too much

liebe Grüße

Re: Song-Lyrics

Testify to Love oder Psalm 151
(wynona judd)

All the colors of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation lives to testify.

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

>From the mountains to the valleys
>From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart will speak
what love has done.

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

Re: Song-Lyrics

Mad World
(Michael Andrews & Gary Jules)

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tommorow, no tommorow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Mad World

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Mad World
Mad World
Mad World

Re: Song-Lyrics

hofffe ich post hier keien doppelt:S

Soehne Mannheims

Wenn ein Lied...

Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst,
durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst

Sag ein kleines Stückchen Wahrheit,
sieh wie die Wüste lebt,
schaff ein kleines bisschen Klarheit,
und schau wie sich der Schleier hebt

Eine Wüste aus Beton und Asphalt,
doch sie lebt und öffnet einen Spalt,
der dir Neues zeigt,
zeigt dass altes weicht,
auch wenn dein Schmerz bis an, den Himmel reicht

Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst,
durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst

Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst,
durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst

Dieses Lied ist nur für dich,
schön wenn es dir gefällt,
denn es kam so über mich,
wie die Nacht über die Welt

schlägt Gefahr aus der Dunkelheit,
bin ich zum ersten Schlag bereit,
ich bin der erste der dich befreit,
und einer der letzten der um dich weint

Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst,
durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst

In unserer Sanduhr fällt das letzte Korn,
ich hab gewonnen und hab ebenso verloren,
jedoch missen möcht ich nichts,
alles bleibt unser gedanklicher Besitz
Und eine bleibende Erinnerung,
zwischen Tag und Nacht legt sich die Dämmerung

Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst,
durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst

Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlässt,
dann nur damit du Liebe empfängst,
durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst,
damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst

Damit du keine Ängste mehr kennst

Re: Song-Lyrics

One of us von Joan Osbourne

If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question
Yeah God is great
Yeah yeah God is good
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
If God had a face what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and Jesus and the
Saints and all the prophets
And yeah yeah God is great
Yeah yeah God is good
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
Trying to make his way home
Back to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
'Cept the Pope may be in Rome
Yeah yeah God is great
Yeah yeah God is good
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
Trying to make his way home
Like a holy Rolling Stone
Up to heaven all alone
Trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
'Cept the Pope may be in Rome

Re: Song-Lyrics

No one is alone (Bernadette Peters)

No one here to guide you
Now your on your own
Only me beside you
Still your not alone
No one is alone
Truly no one is alone
Sometimes people leave you
Half way through the wood
Others may deceive you
You decide what's good
You decide alone
But no one is alone
People make mistakes
Fathers mothers
People make mistakes
Holding to their own
Thinking they're alone
Honor their mistakes
Everybody makes
One another's
Terrible mistakes
Witches can be right
Giants can be good
You decide what's right
You decide what's good
Just remember
Someone is on your side
Someone else is not
While you're seeing your side
Maybe you forgot
They are not alone
No one is alone
Hard to see the light now
Just don't let it go
Things will turn out right now
We can make it so
Someone is on your side
No one is alone

Re: Song-Lyrics

Trisha Yearwood
A lover is forever

I think I understand
The reason you won't stay with me
You think a ring upon your hand
Will solve your insecurity

So go ahead and play your games
If that's what you must do
Nothing here remains the same
But the way I feel for you

I can watch you walk away
And I know that I'll get by
And I know just what to say
But honey I can't tell a lie

So figure out what you must do
I know you think you're so damn clever
You can marry any time you want
But a lover is forever

I can watch you walk away
And I know that I'll get by
And I know just what to say
But honey I can't tell a lie

Figure out what you must do
I know you think you're so damn clever
You can marry any time you want
But a lover is forever

You can marry any time you want
But a lover is forever

Re: Song-Lyrics

Ich loade mir den song gerade down!

Wahnsinnig tolles lied :-)))

Alles liebe


Re: Song-Lyrics

Zitat: Adiaphora Corina
Ich loade mir den song gerade down!

Wahnsinnig tolles lied :-)))

Alles liebe

Corinavon Trisha Yearwood? Spaß beiseite, es gibt doch tatsächlich sogar einige, gute Country Songs *hehe*

@Daithe: wußtest Du, daß die Originalversion von Mad world von Tears for Fears gesungen wurde? glaube, das war so gegen 1982, den Song und den Clip habe ich hier

liebe Grüße

Re: Song-Lyrics

hm irgtnwie kommen die mail verkehrt rum an
also ich weiß jetzt grad net um welches risha lied es geht, um a lover is forever oder? das lied hab ich auf ner jag Harm und mac Shipper seite gefunden und da ich mich dazuzähle undim mom ja völlig verpeilt auf jag bin mußt ich das lied haben, weil das past soo schön

und was mad world angeht, ja ich kenen die original version die is aber fürn a....., sorry aber die is find ich viel zu shcnell das von gary jules und co, is viel gefühlvoller und ich find das langsame passt besser zum text.*g*

Zitat: Adiaphora Corina
Ich loade mir den song gerade down!

Wahnsinnig tolles lied :-)))

Alles liebe


von Trisha Yearwood? Spaß beiseite, es gibt doch tatsächlich sogar einige, gute Country Songs *hehe*

@Daithe: wußtest Du, daß die Originalversion von Mad world von Tears for Fears gesungen wurde? glaube, das war so gegen 1982, den Song und den Clip habe ich hier

liebe Grüße