Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten - Außenpolitik

Türkische Expansionskonzepte und Westliche Interessen schuldig der Kobane angriff

YPG releases balance sheet of war for April

According to the balance sheet of battle against ISIS gangs in Rojava for the month of April, 497 members of ISIS were killed in 45 operations and actions against gang groups.

Im Gedenken an Ferînaz

Im Gedenken an Ferînaz: Unsere Antwort wird unser organisierter Widerstand sein, der die Vergewaltigungskultur beendet!

Die Vergewaltigung in Mahabat richtet sich gegen uns alle!

Frauen des Dorfes Enane bei Daqoq, in der Region Kirkuk/Südkurdistan, äußern sich zum Fall Ferînaz, die Kurdin in Mahabat/Ostkurdistan, sie sich um einer Vergewaltigung zu entgehen, vom vierten Stock des Gebäudes stürzte und ihr Leben ließ.

KHRN reports heavy military presence in Kurdish cities in Iran

Over 400 hanged in Iran in 2015

Clash reported as Iranian army targets guerrilla areas

Police and soldiers clash in Gever

20 days ago, the Turkish state attempted a major provocation in the rural parts of Gever (Yüksekova), Hakkari.

The Turkish state attempted a major provocation in the rural parts of Gever (Yüksekova), Hakkari, nearly 20 days ago. Initially, soldiers were dispatched in the region. Soon after, Special Team police forces arrived and the soldiers were asked to carry out a “special operation” in the area that lies between the Gever district of Hakkari and Şemdinli. HPG guerrillas were the apparent targets of the operation. However, an argument broke out between the Special Team police and the soldiers who were chosen to join the operation.

It is claimed that soldiers insisted that the situation did not require an operation, however Special Team police argued otherwise. This time period is also when the Ağrı-Diyadin-Tendürek provocation took place. Soldiers argued that PKK-HPG guerrillas were not in the area where the operation was to take place, and if they were in those areas an offence would cost soldiers many casualties.

Turkish family: MIT members took our son to Syria to join ISIS

Family Gözlemecioğlu living in Turkish capital Ankara told that their son was deceived and taken to Syria to join ISIS by members of the Turkish intelligence agency (MIT) one year ago.

Protests at assimilation on Kurdish Language Day

Yesterday Kurdish Language Day was celebrated in many provinces in North Kurdistan. A large Kurdish-language crèche was opened in Van and the foundations laid of a second Kurdish crèche in Amed.

Turkey intelligence helped deliver arms to rebels

Turkey: Turkey’s state intelligence agency helped deliver arms to parts of Syria under Islamist rebel control during late 2013 and early 2014, according to a prosecutor and court testimony from gendarmerie officers seen by Reuters.

The witness testimony contradicts Turkey’s denials that it sent arms to Syrian rebels thus contributing to the rise of ISIS, now a major concern for the NATO member.

YPG announces balance sheet of Operation Rûbar Qamishlo

YPG General Command has announced the outcomes of the Operation Commander Rûbar Qamishlo the first stage of which has been successfully finalized between 6-21 May.

According to the 15-day balance sheet of the operation, 532 members of ISIS gangs were killed and bodies of 146 seized. Two other gang members were captured alive.

The press statement in the village of Xêbiş was attended by YPG Spokesman Redur Xelil and Hevro Kino Gabrial representing Syriac Military Council.

Turkish MIT agent within ISIS captured in Mosul

It has been reported that an agent of Turkish intelligence within ISIS was captured by the peshmerga during a clash with ISIS gangs in Mosul on 24 April.

A source asking to be anonymous stated that the Turkish agent was taken captive during the fighting in the village of Sehelil in İyaziye district of Mosul two days ago which left 17 peshmergas and 35 members of the gangs dead.

According to the source, the MIT agent from Erzurum province had formerly been arrested in Turkey on charges of murder, sentenced to 30 years in prison but was released by way of joining the ISIS as an agent of Turkish national intelligence service.

255 members of AKP Siirt branch resign before the rally tomorrow

255 members of the AKP branch in Siirt have resigned from the party before the AKP rally to take place tomorrow with the participation of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.

The resigning members of the AKP in Gökçebağ (Ciwanika) town of Siirt, who include Municipal Council members and AKP former mayor Bedri Çiçek, have submitted their resignation due to the party's policy in the Kurdish region.

The resigned AKP members will join the DBP (Party of Democratic Regions, formerly BDP) at a ceremony to be held in HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) tomorrow.

New documents unravel ISIS-Turkish state cooperation

YPG uncovered Turkish flags, plane tickets of gangs who traveled through Turkey on the way to Syria, Turkish translations of the Koran, and the list of Turkish gang members who participated in the attack against YPG positions in Til Xenzir.

YPG military campaign in Cizirê marks a historic development

On its 26th day, YPG’s ‘Commander Rubar Qamişlo Initiative’ was expanded 25 km to the southwest of Mebrûka and and 63 km to the southwest of Serêkanîyê.

Confidentiality in investigation into bomb attack in Amed

A court decision has put a confidentiality order on the investigation into the double bomb attacks in Amed, that were carried out at the HDP rally on 4 June and claimed the lives of 4 people while leaving hundreds of others wounded.

In consideration of an application filed by Diyarbakır Prosecutor’s Office, Diyarbakır Court of Peace has ruled a confidentiality order on the entire file.

In the meantime, suspect Orhan Gönder was formally arrested yesterday, with allegations that he had joined the ISIS and returned to Turkey to carry out the attack and was captured while trying to cross back into Syria.

Deutlich über 1.000 Menschen – die Polizei sprach von 800 Teilnehmern - haben am späten Freitag abend in Garmisch-Partenkirchen gegen den Bombenanschlag auf eine Wahlkampfkundgebung der türkischen Linkspartei HDP in der kurdischen Metropole Diyarbakir demonstriert. Bei dem Attentat waren am Nachmittag mindestens zwei Menschen getötet und über 100 weitere verletzt worden. Andere Angaben sprechen sogar von vier Todesopfern.


HDP Co-President Selahattin Demirtaş attended the commemoration event organized for civilians killed during the HDP rally in Amed, and stated that hundreds of ISIS gangs await orders across Turkey.


Demirtaş criticized the Turkish police’s attempts to prevent the full investigation of the attack by pointing at one child as the only perpetrator, and said that the collaborators and their connections in Antep, Urfa, and Syria must be fully revealed. Demirtaş also criticized the state’s decision to continue the investigation in secrecy, and said that HDP and Kurdish people should be informed since they were the targets of the attack.

Turkey's Erdogan says West backing Kurdish "terrorists" in Syria

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused the West on Thursday of bombing Arabs and Turkmens in Syria while supporting Kurdish "terrorist" groups he said were filling the void left behind.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgic said more than 13,000 people had entered Turkey in the past week from Syria where moderate Syrian rebels and Kurdish forces have fought Islamic State militants holding the Syrian town of Tel Abyad.

Turkish authorities providing electricity to ISIL in Tel Abyad

n the latest of a series of revelations, the Turkish authorities have allegedly been providing electricity to Tel Abyad -- a northern Syrian city just across the border from the Turkish city of Akçakale -- which is controlled by militants linked to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Frankfurt - Kobane: Ein Hilfstransport mit Hindernissen

Montagmorgen, 10 Uhr. Großes Meeting in den Räumen der Frankfurter Hilfsorganisation Medico International. Seit bald fünfzig Jahren sind die Frankfurter im Einsatz für Menschen in Not

Türkei fördert IS-Terror

Zahlreiche Tote bei neuem Angriff des »Islamischen Staats« auf die syrisch-kurdische Stadt Kobani. Kriegsgeschrei in Ankara

ISIS gangs in Turkish military uniforms

It has been discovered that the ISIS gangs who launched this morning's attacks on Kobanê from Mürşit Pınar border gate and Kaniya Kurda were dressed in Turkish miltary uniforms and shaved themselves in order to pass as soldiers.

According to the information obtained by the ANF reporter in Kobanê, the ISIS gang members who launched the attack on the town were dressed in Turkish military uniforms and shaved their beards in order to pass as soldiers.

42 civilians massacred in Kobanê

The death toll of civilians massacred by ISIS gangs that had infiltrated into Kobanê early this morning has increased to 42, while the number of the wounded has been reported as 55. In the meantime, the operations of the YPG/YPJ and Asayish (Security) forces against the gangs continue.

YPG Media Center informed the public on today’s ISIS attacks on Kobanê and said that 30 gang members have been killed in the clashes so far.


Can PKK, Turkey’s Hezbollah reconcile?

A long-standing lull in the bloody conflict between the Turkish Hezbollah, a Kurdish-dominated Islamist group, and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has long fought for Kurdish rights in Turkey, has been shattered amid the war between the Islamic State (IS) and Kurdish forces in neighboring Syria. The tensions, which had flared up over the past year, climaxed earlier this month in Diyarbakir, the largest city of Turkey’s Kurdish-majority southeast, when four people close to the feuding sides were shot dead in broad daylight. The unrest sparked fears of renewed Kurdish fratricide in the region, but both sides called for peace and common sense as they have reaffirmed in interviews with Al-Monitor.

Turkey will 'never allow' Kurdish state in Syria warns Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey will never allow the establishment of a Kurdish state in Syria after major gains by Kurdish fighters.

Burkan El-Fırat calls for international investigation

Burkan Al-Fırat Operation Centre issued a statement condemning the massacre of civilians by ISIS gangs and called on the international community, primarily the UN, to launch an international investigation into the attacks. The statement of Burkan Al-Fırat further criticised the AKP government and vowed to continue their struggle despite the attacks.

The statement said the grounds for the operation was prepared by the statements of Syrian National Coalition members and AKP government in Turkey, and called on the international community and the UN to start an investigation into the attacks in order to identify all those who were behind the massacre and put them on trial in accordance with international law.

PYD calls for international trial of those responsible for the massacre

PYD drew attention to the defamation campaign launched by the Syrian opposition and some circles after the liberation of Mebruka, Silûk, Girê Spî and Eyn İsa, and said the campaign was prepared the ground for the attacks against civilians on Kobanê.

Death toll in Kobanê massacre rises to 201